The following individuals are enemies of MemCor and are considered highly dangerous!
Skye Valence
Human - MemCor's Most Wanted
Age - 19
Height - 5'6"
Weight - 135 lbs
Eyes - Blue
Hair - Brown
Known skills:
- Highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and weapons use
- Able to rapidly heal from most wounds
- Increased strength, speed and agility
- Capable of generating highly destructive energy at will
- Plotting against MemCor
- Killing MemCor agents and civilians
- Spreading unrest amongst the population
- Conspiring with enemies of MemCor against the people its sworn to protect
This highly dangerous target is not to be underestimated! Do not approach target alone. If you have seen this person, notify MemCor immediately and wait for further instructions.
Last seen traveling the Wastes beyond MemCor City heading East.
Dark Seraph
Age - 850+
Height - 5'11"
Weight - 195 lbs
Eyes - Silver
Hair - Black
Known skills:
Unmatched in one-on-one combat
Extended life has resulted in extremely high intelligence, tactical skill, stealth capabilities and charisma
Capable of creating illusions, causing confusion and misdirection in opponents
Super-human strength, speed and agility
Theft of MemCor secrets and property
Repeated assaults on MemCor facilities and staff
Harboring of MemCor fugitives
Refusal to abide by standard MemCor City requirements and laws including but not limited to breaking of curfew, defacing of public property and kidnapping
Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to approach this target. Any information leading to the capture of Krates should be directed solely to the Human Resources Department at MemCor Tower immediately.
Last seen breaking out of a MemCor research facility.
The Emerald-Eyed Demon
Age - 112
Height - 5'8"
Weight - 138 lbs
Eyes - Emerald
Hair - Red
Known skills:
- Dangerously aggressive fighting style
- Enhanced senses resulting in target being highly skilled at evasion
- Master of stealth
- Seemingly limitless pain tolerance
- Repeated assaults on civilians resulting in an alarming loss of blood
- Constantly slipping beyond city walls without proper authorization
- Arson
- Destruction of public foodstuffs and medical supplies
If found, use extreme caution. Individual has been known to use physical allure to draw in unsuspecting targets before attacking. She's known for extremely violent tendencies that have resulted in an incalculable loss of life since the founding of MemCor City. No recent sightings.
Viktor Xand
Age - 238
Height - 6'1"
Weight - 220 lbs
Eyes - Gold
Hair - Light Brown
Known skills:
Capable of transforming into a massive wolf with unknown strength, speed, agility and healing
Retains majority of wolf capabilities while in human form
Retains human level intelligence while in wolf form
Overly keen sense of sight, smell and hearing
Impersonating a MemCor official
Theft of information regarding the locations of opposing forces beyond city walls
Owning and hiding contraband in direct violation of MemCor Mandate
Public indecency/urination
Be wary when interacting with this individual. They have been known to repeatedly evade capture momentarily before reappearing in wolf form and laying waste to any pursuing MemCor agents. Under no circumstances should target be pursued beyond city walls or below city streets. Contact Rayne with any information regarding last known wearabouts.
Last seen heading into sewer system below city streets.
Age - 78
Height - 5'7"
Weight - 145 lbs
Eyes - Brown
Hair - Black
Known skills:
Unmatched alchemy skills allowing for enhanced personal attributes to unknown levels
Able to move through water with extreme speed and maneuverability
Able to breathe underwater
Top-level hacking skills
Selling of MemCor secrets
Theft of MemCor vehicles and weaponry
Murder of several MemCor officials
Theft of highly secret MemCor research
Do not engage directly with target. If found, observe and follow target for as long as possible. Any information or discoveries should be forwarded to Rayne immediately. A reward of one year's supply of food is available to anyone able to provide details leading to the recovery of MemCor resources and research. Under no circumstances should the target be followed if found entering any body of water.
Last seen sun-bathing lakeside East of MemCor City.
Nin & Naya
Unknown Species
Age - unkown
Height - 5'8"
Weight - 155 lbs & 125 lbs respectively
Eyes - Black
Hair - Black & White respectively
Known skills:
Minds work in tandem at beyond genius level intellect to process information impossibly quickly
Synchronicity in all things allows for an inhuman skill in combat
Nearly limitless resources at their disposal
Calculating minds that are unswayed by emotion
Blatant betrayal of contract forged with MemCor
Assault on MemCor officials
Misuse of company resources against MemCor
Kidnapping of MemCor genetic experiment
All efforts should be made to kill on sight. Do not engage in conversation with targets under any circumstances. Beware of personal bodyguard (see following entry). Full tactical gear including ear-plugs highly recommended.
Last seen driving through MemCor City main gate into the wastes for standard business dealings.
Age - approx. mid 40's
Height - 6'8" - 7'4"
Weight - 295-350 lbs
Eyes - Brown
Hair - Brown
Known skills:
Unknown maximum physical strength
Strength, stamina and durability increase based on necessity/threat
Fiercely loyal
No known weaknesses
Abandonment of MemCor assigned duties
Unbridled destruction of MemCor property
Mass murder
Assault on a MemCor official
No effort should be made to attack target under any circumstances. Notify MemCor of target location and await further instructions.
Last seen driving Nin & Naya beyond MemCor City walls.
Age - 56
Height - 6'3"
Weight - 235 lbs
Eyes - Brown
Hair - None
Known skills:
Fiercely territorial and protective of his brood
Leader of a large group of wolves to call on for aide
Highly skilled fighter capable of using swords while in wolf form
Unusually sharp claws capable of carving through nearly anything
Harboring known MemCor fugitives
Pillaging supply caravans in the wastes on their way to the civilians of MemCor City
Inciting war among the inhabitants of the wastes
Attacking employees of MemCor unprovoked
If found, notify MemCor of location immediately. A company committee will be dispatched to meet with the locals and discuss future plans for working hand in hand with MemCor for the greater good.
Last seen in the mountains far to the east of MemCor City.
Queen of the Fallen
Age - Unknown
Height - 5'9"
Weight - 165 lbs
Eyes - Blue
Hair - Gold
Known skills:
Wings for sustained flight
Inhuman strength, speed, agility and intelligence
Able to heal any immediately non-lethal wound she touches
Wielding of a blue energy capable of untold destruction
Openly waging war against MemCor
Luring unknowing civilians away from MemCor for personal benefit
Illegal use of stolen MemCor vehicles and equipment
Do not, for any reason, engage target unprepared. Only approach at your personal discretion. MemCor will not be responsible for any loss of life at the hands of the Queen of the Fallen.
No recent sightings.
Age - 345
Height - 5'7"
Weight - 140 lbs
Eyes - Yellow
Hair - Black
Known skills:
Master tactician and warrior
Capable of sustained flight
Fiercely defensive of anyone she's sworn to protect
Logical mind with no apparent sense of fear
Openly supporting enemies of MemCor
Assaulting a MemCor facility without provocation
Repeated attacks on MemCor scouting parties
Target is rarely alone even when she seems to be. Do not approach carelessly and be prepared for dealing with her ever-present partner in crime (see next entry).
Last seen guarding the borders of the Fallen City far to the east.
Age - 190
Height - 5'5"
Weight - 125 lbs
Eyes - Red
Hair - Red
Known skills:
Powerful empath capable of understanding thoughts and decisions
Capable of sustained flight
Inspires loyalty in those around her
Skilled healer
Repeated theft of supplies carried by MemCor agents
Spraying graffiti on MemCor City walls
Stealing tires off of MemCor vehicles
Painting all the windows black on MemCor aircraft
Target is highly unpredictable. Proceed at your own risk. Do not assume anything based on her sweet demeanor, she is highly dangerous.
Last seen guarding the borders of the Fallen City far to the east.