Dare to Dream: My Wish to Learn to Fly
As far back as I can remember, I've always envied birds. Watching them soar through the sky, gracefully carving their path through open...
A List of Least Favorites: Food
When I was thinking about what idea I wanted to write about today, I realized that today was kind of a crummy day and I was in a pretty...
Open Discussion: Merchandise
For a while now, I've had a thought scratching at the back of my head. How do I bridge the gap between fiction and reality when it comes...
Sharing a Dear Love: Red Dragon Inn
I. Friggin. Love. Board games. They're great. There's so many to choose from, so many with so much to offer. I'll probably talk about...
Embracing My Writing Method: Multitasking
Since I started writing seriously back in 2012, I've had a lot of people ask me about my method. They're always curious what my secret...
Gaming Update: Zombies, Glampires and Seaweed?
For those of you that know anything about me, you'll know my number 1 go-to hobby is gaming. I find video games beyond entertaining,...
Tackling Writing Challenges: Backing Myself (and My Characters) into a Corner
Whenever I write an especially harrowing chapter, there's always one thing I fear most, backing myself into a corner. More times than I...